Things that are important to us (in no specific order)--these are really just words until they are fleshed out by participation. Yes, consider that an invite!


Bottoms Up!

We don’t believe that the challenges we face locally and globally can be solved with a top down approach. Solutions need to be seen to work--ideally experienced first hand--in order to capture hearts and change minds.


It is awesome that many are seeking to become self-sustainable, and much of this movement is very positive. However, sustainability that is not rooted in community is not in itself sustainable. Ultimately we need to go on this journey together so we can all arrive at a mutually beneficial, desirable destination.


Perhaps balance is a better word. Study of nature reveals the incredible connections between ecological systems and species. Whatever ones beliefs about the origins of creation it is best to treat these systems with respect--they are an incredible gift to all of us. We have acted with ignorance in the many ways we have altered the environment. It is a pressing priority for us to learn from natural systems and to learn to live in harmony with them--and each other.


It’s amazing how connected everything is. We are seeing in recent years how insecurity in one part of the world can spill over as terrorism on another continent. Wasteful and polluting practices in one part of the world affect everyone globally. Environmental consequences, food and economic security are all connected and can result in increased global conflict. We are coming to the profound realization that if one suffers, all suffer. In the midst of this we need not wallow in a state of powerless despair. There is hope if we learn to live more sustainably and become more resilient, sharing this journey hand in hand with those in greatest need locally and globally.


Creativity is the opposite of consumerism (a long discussion for another forum.) As we join together to find creative solutions to all kinds of problems, we also become invested and involved in the practices that implement the solutions. Being connected to these processes helps us rediscover value and meaning, enabling an entirely different lifestyle to that driven by consumerism.


As Cultivate58 we are not seeking to be a "be all and end all" organisation. Because we desire relationship and value connectedness, we are looking to connect with, learn from and journey together with other groups and individuals who are willing to engage.

Generous Inclusion

The christian faith calls this grace. Inclusion is vital to a harmonious life and to this journey in particular. It's very easy to take an idealistic approach when concerning the environment. Ideals soon create laws that exclude others. Collectively, society has taken the path that has lead us to where we are now, and we are all complicit in one way or another. People will turn to move in the right direction with different levels of engagement and enthusiasm. We want to generously include and support any turn in the right direction, endeavoring to be a non-judgmental community when others take a different approach to us.